No Peace Without the Rightful Demands of the South
Written by: Afrah Kassem
Southern Writer
[su_dropcap]V[/su_dropcap]icioustries to maim the southern transitional council aim to demolish the southerncause and its rightful demand and patriotic project. It is a try to deny thesouthern people the right of self-determination and fulfill the goal of ourenemies through putting the south under control of Muslim Brotherhood.
The council will remain our best option till it proved otherwise. It will remain so till there is another political entity without mistakes and its project stems from the national consciousness of the south and satisfies the expectations and sacrifices of the southern people. An entity represents the south in all fronts.
Today, we must realize what is happening around us of intentional disorder and confusion. Every patriotic citizen should support and correct but not demolish. Bloods of our sons and leaders have one price that is more precious than any positions, powers or personal interests. The price is the freedom of a nation after a long period of struggle and sacrifices. We will never waste all this. We will never lose it.