South Arabia

SAMA Organization Holds an awareness Rising Lecture About Drugs in Al-Shahar

[su_label type=”info”]SMA News – Al-Shahar – Exclusive [/su_label][su_spacer size=”10″] [su_dropcap]W[/su_dropcap]ith attendance of Sheikh Eyd Al-Ba Hasani, consultant of Hadhramaut’s governor, SAMA Organization for Development and Guidance held an awareness rising lecture about drugs risks at Ba Mutref Secondary School for Boys in Al-Shahar. Mohamed Al-Ammari, the school principle started the lecture with warm welcome for the guists and called students to stay away from risky behaviors.
Al-Ba Hasani indicated that political and military leadership represented by General Farag Al-Ba Hasani, governor of Hadhramaut and Commander of the second military zone, are very concerned with youth as they are the future of the nation. He warned youth against the risks of drugs and asked them to pay more attention to learning as the main weapon to face future challenges.
Khaled Belhaj, vice chairman if SAMA Organization for Development and Guidance, asserted the pioneer role of the organization in awareness rising against drugs as a negative phenomenon in the Hadhramauti and southern communities.
Mohamed Ahmed Ba Muzeb, chairman of Hadhramaut branch of SAMA Organization, Omar Salem Al-Kutaini, chairman of the consultative committee of the organization, and Jasem Mohamed Al-Sakouti, representative of the organization in Al-Shahar, delivered their lecture about drugs, their risks and how to prevent these risks in addition to distinguishing its shapes and kinds. The lecture also identified the negative consequences of addiction and serious social effects. In addition, the lecture dealt with myths about drugs like bringing happiness while, on the contrary, it actually destroys human life.
Students asked several questions about the use of sports performance enhancers and pain killers and its effects of health. Amin Hamda, a school teacher, answered these questions.

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