Our People Trespassed Your Fragile Red Lines While Ours Are Drawn with Our Martyrs’ Blood
Written by:
Brigadier Muneer Al-Yafaie (Abu Yamama) [su_spacer size=”10″] [su_dropcap]C[/su_dropcap]ommander of Backup and Support Forces
Carefully, we watch, detect and analyze our enemies’ movements and plan accordingly. Carefully, we understand the path they wanted us to go with our reactions towards their behaviors. In short, we will never be pushed to initiate their plans. We will never enter in a fight with a southern who holds the southern project of independence in his heart, no matter our differences are.
Our guns and anger will point only to those who want us back to Yemen. We will be unified with our hearts and weapons. Those who feel dignity and taste freedom will never forget the noblest men who sacrificed their lives, leaving their mothers, widows and orphan children behind them. those are the martyrs of the south and we are following their steps on the same road. To those who understand the consequences, and those who don’t, we say: you have your calculations and we have ours. Aggression against the right of our people is a thick red line, not like yours. Your fragile red lines are trespassed by our people while ours are drawn with our martyrs’ blood.