South Arabia

The Presidency of the Southern Transitional Council holds its periodic meeting chaired by President Al-Zubaidi

[su_label type=”info”]SMA News / Aden / Exclusive[/su_label]


The Presidency of the Southern Transitional Council holds its periodic meeting on Sunday in the capital Aden chaired by the President of the Southern Transitional Council, President Aidaroos Qasim Al-Zubaidi.
The meeting reviewed a report presented by the Decision Support Center, which included an analytical monitoring of the general developments on the southern scene during last December, in addition to the related recommendations and proposals.
The meeting discussed the Yemeni government’s violations of the Riyadh Agreement, and the practices of the Brotherhood’s military forces under the government’s army in Shabwa and Abyan, and their barbaric military attack on the Laqmosh tribes in Shabwa, and bombing of the villages of Yaramis in Abyan, and their pending without justification the release of the southern detainees of the events of last August .
The meeting pointed out to the noticeable escalation of the Houthi attacks on the fronts of Al-Dhalea, Karsh and Al-Mesimeer in Lhaj, and in Thirah of Abyan, that coinciding with the military escalation of the Muslim Brotherhood of the Yemeni government in the southern areas they occupy, and in this regard the Presidency requested the leadership of the Arab coalition to work to stop the violations and attacks of the Muslims Brotherhood militias and the Yemeni government’s violations of the Riyadh Agreement, and supporting the front lines to be more effective in confronting the Houthi militias.
The meeting stood before the deliberate measures of the Yemeni government to disrupt the normalization of public life in the capital, Aden, and the rest of the southern governorates, and continuing its approach to spread corruption and destroy the remaining infrastructure of the electricity, water, and health sectors, and its attempts to disturb public tranquility, by not to pay the salaries of southern military personnel, despite the presence of the necessary funds to cover these salaries, and directing these available funds and resources instead to support terrorist groups, and to divert the course of the war against the south, instead of directing it to fight the Houthi militias and terrorist organizations.

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