South Arabia

Major General Bin Brik discusses with labor committee of #Aden Refineries mechanisms of ending strike of company’s workers

[su_label type=”info”]SMA NEWS / Aden / Exclusive[/su_label][su_spacer size=”10″]

Major General Ahmed Saeed bin Brik, Chairman of the National Assembly of the Transitional Council, President of the Self-Administration of the South, met on Wednesday, at the Assembly’s headquarters, the labor committee of Aden Refineries Company.

The meeting discussed the mechanisms and procedures for ending the strike called by the labor committee that demands the payment of late financial dues of the workers.

Major General Bin Brik assured the understanding of the self-administration of the south to the just demands submitted by the workers and the union of Aden Refineries Company, promising the committee to put pressure on the company’s leadership to pay part of the workers financial dues.

The meeting concluded by agreeing on a mechanism to immediately end the strike and resume the work, in appreciation of the interests and circumstances of the people in light of the conditions in the capital Aden in particular and the south in general.


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