Al-Jaadi gets acquainted on the readiness of the Military Operations and Security Authority

Thursday 12 November 2020
SMA News – Aden the capital
The Assistant Secretary-General of the Presidency of the Southern Transitional Council, Mr. Fadl Mohammad Al-Jaadi, on Thursday, paid an inspection visit to the Military Operations Authority of the Armed Forces and Security.
In the visit, he got acquainted about the work progress in the authority and the level of discipline and readiness pursued by the authority in its work.
Al-Jaadi praised the progress made in the authority’s mechanism of work, including modern techniques and devices, at the highest level of accuracy and skill.
Al-Jaadi saluted the heroes of the armed forces and the military forces on all fronts and their steadfastness in defense of the nation’s prosperity, security and stability.
Al-Jaadi stressed on the need to preserve the operational and military progress of all southern armed and military forces, which are considered the safety wall of the south.
Al-Jaadi was accompanied during his visit by a number of military commanders of the Operations Authority.