South Arabia

President Al-Zubaidi meets head of Abyan University coordinating and head of its Students Affairs Department

SMA NEWS – Aden the Capital

The President of the Southern Transitional Council, President Aidarous Qassem Al-Zubaidi, met on Wednesday, in his office in the capital, Aden, with the head of Abyan University coordinating, Dr. Yeslam Bellayl, and the head of the Students Affairs Department at Abyan University coordinator, Dr. Saleh al-Awlaki.

The meeting discussed the general situation in Abyan University coordinating, and the difficulties facing the coordination, in addition to the available ways to confront them, and how to advance the academic work in the governorate of Abyan.

During the meeting, President Al-Zubaidi praised the great efforts made by the leadership of the Coordinating of Abyan University, represented by its head, Dr. Yeslam Bellayl, and his companions, stressing the support of the Southern Transitional Council for all its steps.

President Al-Zubaidi stressed the need to unite efforts, work in one spirit, and with great effectiveness to recover the academic situation in Abyan governorate, and improve it with what is currently available.

For their part, Dr. Bellayl, and Dr. Al-Awlaki, valued the great efforts made by President Aidarous al-Zubaidi, to improve the academic situation in Abyan governorate, in which they briefed President Al-Zubaidi on the steps that Abyan University coordinating intends to implement during the coming period, aimed at restoring Abyan’s scientific status.

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