Electricity of Aden the capital: Government should speed up operating Petromasila station and rehabilitating government stations

SMA NEWS – ADEN The Capital
Nawar Abkar, Director of Media Office in Aden Electricity, spoke about the reasons for the deterioration of the electricity sector in Aden and said, “The reason for the exacerbation of the electricity problem in Aden the capital is the lack of generation that meets the needs of the city’s loads, as Aden the capital suffers more than 50% of the generating capacity of energy in light of high loads that reached to 600 megawatts, and this is more than 50% of the current energy volume, and the other reason is the lack of a clear mechanism that guarantees the continuous supply of fuel to the stations without interruption, and this is one of the most important problems that have exacerbated the crisis during the past week.”
And about possible solutions, Abkar said: “Construction of electric stations that operate with less fuel consumption and cost, as is the case in the Petromasila station, which has a generating capacity in its first phase of 264 megawatts.”
Abkar sent a message to the government to expedite the operation of this strategic station and rehabilitate the government stations Al-Haswa 1, Al-Haswa 2, and the Khor Maksar and Mansoura stations, and this will lead to the disposal of the purchased energy, which has become a heavy burden on the state in terms of its cost and fuel consumption.
He concluded, “Citizens must bear the matter with us, we are part of them and they are part of it. This problem is not a result of the moment, and it is a major problem that the city suffers from, and we are doing everything we can to improve and stabilize electricity with available and current generation.”