South Arabia

President Al-Zubaidi delivers important speech and declares state of emergency throughout the South

SMA NEWS – ADEN the Capital

The President of the Southern Transitional Council, Supreme Commander of the Southern Armed Forces, President Aidarous Qassem Al-Zubaidi, on Wednesday, delivered an important speech, hereunder it is:

In the name of Allah, the most gracious, the most merciful..

“Those who people told them that the people have gathered against you, so fear them, but it increased their faith, and they said sufficient for us is Allāh, and the best disposer of affairs.”

O’ Masses of our great southern people

O’ Our heroic southern armed forces

May the peace, mercy and blessings of Allah be upon you

In these moments, while the Houthi militia and the forces of terrorism and extremism are launching their new invasion against the South, the land, and people, and in the face of what our southern people and our historical capital, Aden, in particular, are facing of a conspiracy that is no less dangerous than the Houthi aggression, so we declare, from the heart of our proud capital, Aden, the following:

First: We declare a state of emergency throughout all the governorates of the South, starting today (Wednesday), and we call upon our heroic southern armed forces and all their valiant formations to raise the degree of combat readiness, raise the state of alert to the maximum degree, and prepare to carry out combat missions in defense of lands, honor, religion and identity, and mobilize all energies to confront the Houthi militias and any other threats and dangers, and we also call upon our security forces to strike, with an iron fist, anyone who seeks to destabilize security and stability, and to create confusion and unrest.

Second: We call on the southern resistance and all our heroic people throughout our proud South, on all its mountains, plains, hills and coasts, to the general mobilization, and to prepare for supplying the fighting fronts with men, money and equipment, to confront these invading militias and confront them with all strength and valor, and to record new heroic exploits, in which you affirm that the South is unbreakable.

Third: We call upon the existed forces and the national resistance to sense the historical responsibility, and to awaken the spirit of resistance, to confront the Houthi militias, in their areas, and to play their role and secure their future and the safety of their people, and we will be by their side by all available ways and means.

Fourth: All leading formations of the Southern Transitional Council at all levels, and the leaderships of the local authority, in all governorates of the South, must remain in permanent session, and mobilize the necessary efforts to secure public services for the lives of citizens.

Fifth: We stress on the Arab Coalition for the necessity of completing their Arab role, and sensing the responsibility that falls on them towards the national security of the region, and correcting the course of our common battle militarily, politically and in the media.

May the peace, mercy and blessings of Allah be upon you


Aidarous Qassem Abdul Aziz Al-Zubaidi

President of the Southern Transitional Council

Supreme Commander of the Southern Armed Forces

Aden the Capital

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