Statement by Official Spokesperson of STC on attempts to steal victories achieved by the southern Giants forces

The Southern Transitional Council (STC) issued a statement, through its Official Spokesman, regarding the attempts of certain parties to steal the military field victories that have been achieved by the forces of Southern Giants, hereunder it is:
Tuesday, January 25, 2022 at 10:05 am
The forces of the Southern Giants and the Southern Resistance, with the participation of the heroic sons of Shabwa, and with the support of the air force hawks in the Arab Coalition led by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, made victories in Harib, and before that in Ain, Bayhan, and Usaylan.
It is a shame what we are witnessing of attempt from some parties to falsify the facts and steal victories by attributing them to names that had previously handed these areas over to the Houthis without a fight, and today they do not exist in the field.
We call on everyone who persist into falsification of facts to desist from falsifying it, as the bloods of our martyrs are not subject to forgery and fraud.
Ali Abdullah Al-Kathiri
Official Spokesperson of the Southern Transitional Council
Member of the Presidency of the Council