The Gulf is closer to the South than Sana’a!

By\ Yasser Al-Yafei
The truth is that the Arab Gulf is closer to the people of the South than Sana’a and Saada, and this is confirmed by facts, events and social ties. The sons of the South went to Sana’a with their state, land, system and wealth, and they all returned, and expelled, since President Al-Bidh till President Hadi. They were all expelled from Sana’a and embraced by the Arab Gulf, despite the concessions they made to the north at the expense of the South, and despite their opposition to the Gulf states in many stages. They went into an ill-considered unity, all of its clauses and all outcomes were for the benefit of the North, and they turned into enemies of legitimacy, separatists, terrorists, murderers and criminals under sentence of death. No one humiliated the South like Sana’a did, and no one has stood with the people of the South like the Arab Gulf has. They were not satisfied with that, but the new rulers of the north in 2015 wanted to subjugate the South by force once again, with an unbalanced and unequal war, in which they used the state’s resources, weapons and money to end the Sunni Arab identity of the people of the South. The Gulf states intervened once again to save what could be saved, despite all the complications experienced by the region and the world, and contributed to supporting the South militarily, media and materially, and the Southern Transitional Council appeared, which stopped the northern political forces’ tampering with the South, the forces of the Southern Giants that restored respect for the land and people in the South, and the forces of security belts, support and backing, and the Hadrami and Shabwani elites, to maintain security and stability and to cut off the hand of tampering that affected the southern regions for 30 years. How do you want sons of Hadramout, Yafea, Shabwa, Socotra and other southern regions to stand with Sana’a, the “Houthi”, against the Arab Gulf, which was a support and an aid to them in many stages. Today, thousands of people from these regions have become citizens of these countries, and they have rights and duties in countries that hold them dear and capable, and to restore them and their families, after they lost their citizenship, dignity and rights at home because of you! This interdependence is not new, but history repeats itself, and no force will be able to change it, even if some foreshadowing occurs at some stage.