South Arabia

Al-Jaadi: Riyadh consultations increased steadfastness and greatness of the cause of people of the South

Mr. Fadl Al-Jaadi, Deputy Secretary-General of the Presidency of the Southern Transitional Council, indicated that the South has gone through many twists and turns, and its opponents are trying to exploit the current situation to try to detract the struggles of our southern people by promoting the establishment of activities or events that provoke the people of the South.
During a speech he delivered during an event organized by the Woman and Child Department on the occasion of the anniversary of the historic declaration of Aden and the establishment of the Southern Transitional Council, Al-Jaadi stressed that the Riyadh consultations have increased steadfastness and greatness of the cause of the people of the South, and whoever believes the opposite is delusional, adding that the South has provided everything for the sake of unity between the two countries, but today, however, there is no longer any content or significance to talk about unity, as the people of the South have made up their minds to regain their full sovereignty state.
Al-Jaadi stressed that the south can only be made by all its citizens, calling on all southerners to work in one row under the umbrella of restoring the state of the South.

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