South Arabia

Director of Education Department at Tour al-Baha opens the academic year and asserts that it is a cheating-free academic year

[su_label type=”info”] Lahag – SMA[/su_label][su_spacer size=”10″][su_label]Aden – SMA[/su_label][/su_spacer] On Sunday September 17th 2017, Khaled al-Sohairy, general director of education department at Tour Al-Baha in accompaniment of Abdulbaset al-Musfery, local authority consultant for media and education, Rushdy Mukbel, manager of general director’s office, Mansour Al-Sumaty, manager of social services fund at the educational department, Adel Gandouh, coordinator of international organizations at the local authority and Mukbel Saif, head of technical supervision office, opened the academic year in Abu Musa Al-Ashary school, Al-Sedeek secondary school and Khadiga School for girls. Al-Sohairy expressed his appreciation for the high percentage of attendance that exceeded 80% and acknowledged good cooperation from students and parents and their positive response to the call of education office last week for early attendance. He asked parents to help school administrations to fulfill their duties indicating that this will be a cheating-free academic year and assuring that any shortage of teachers will be resolved quickly. He indicated that all personnel of the education office will be available for any complains about any intended or unintended dereliction


Baligh al-Serwy

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