South Arabia

Supreme Committee for Southern Women holds emergency meeting chaired by Dr. Najwa Fadhl

The Supreme Committee for Southern Women held, on Wednesday, in the capital, Aden, an emergency meeting with female leaders of the Southern Transitional Council and the southern women’s components, headed by Dr. Najwa Fadhl, Chairman of the Supreme Committee for Southern Women, Advisor to the President of the Southern Transitional Council for Women’s Affairs,.
Dr. Najwa conveyed to the attendees the greetings of President Aidarous Qassem Al-Zubaidi, the President of the Southern Transitional Council, Deputy Chairman of the Presidential Leadership Council, stressing his and the Southern Transitional Council’s support for women, their leadership and political empowerment, praising the important struggle role that southern women play in various political and societal fields.
The meeting called on the Presidential Leadership Council to restructure the National Committee for Women, in which there is no effective representation of southern women, stressing the need to fulfill international obligations and agreements related to consensus and political partnership that resulted from the Riyadh agreements and consultations.
The meeting emphasized on not allowing marginalization of southern women and excluding them from real representation in all bodies and departments of the Presidential Leadership Council, in particular the Consultation and Reconciliation Commission, in which northern women acquired representation.
The meeting discussed a number of issues pertaining to southern women, in particular the attempt of the Yemeni forces to reproduce themselves in the South through suspicious projects such as settling the displaced or integrating them into the southern society, or through slogans that try to exploit various women’s issues.
The meeting reaffirmed the rejection of southern women’s leaders with their various political and societal affiliations to any projects, summits or workshops that do not meet the aspirations of the struggling southern women and contradict the victories and goals of the people of the South, noting that the Supreme Committee for Southern Women is studying options to respond to any calls or suspicious projects that ignore sacrifices of Southern people and the political aspirations of Southern Women.

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