South Arabia

Southern Journalists Syndicate discusses Ramadan activities and completing formation of branches

The Administrative Board of the Executive Office of the Southern Journalists and Media Members Syndicate held its periodic meeting on Sunday, at the Syndicate’s headquarters in Tawahi, of Aden the capital, under the chairmanship of its Captain, Mr. Aidaroos Bahashwan.

At the beginning of the meeting, the participantes stood for a minute of mourning for the souls of the dead southern media members, including the journalist and artist Ali Ghadaf, and the journalist and pioneering TV and radio director Mohammed Hussein Behani.

The meeting discussed a number of issues, most notably the completion of the procedures for forming the councils of the union branches in the capital, Aden and the rest of the southern governorates, and the final approval of the form and membership cards.

The meeting approved Ramadan activities, including the two panel discussions entitled “A Reading in the Outputs of the First Conference of Southern Journalists and Media Members” and a workshop on the protection of journalists presented by the Head of the Rehabilitation and Training Department.

The meeting also discussed a number of organizational and administrative issues and took a number of required decisions and procedures.

In turn, Captain Bahashwan confirmed that the coming days are full of momentum, institutional organizational activities, and media events.

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