South Arabia

Shatara: provoking Egypt is unacceptable

The member of the Presidency of the Southern Transitional Council, Vice – Chairman of the National Assembly, Mr. Lutfi Shatara, called on the Presidential Council to dismiss the Foreign Minister Ahmed Awad bin Mubarak from his post.

Shatara said that the provocation of brotherly Egypt by Ben Mubarak was foolish and unacceptable, pointing out that Egypt was the first to alleviate the suffering of thousands of Yemeni citizens during the war.

Shatara wrote on Twitter: “Provoking a country like Egypt, in which no Yemeni can deny the role of its wise leadership in alleviating the suffering of citizens in light of the war, is unacceptable and even totally rejected.”

He added: The Presidential Leadership Council must sacrifice a person better than sacrificing a people, exalt their suffering and bear the humiliation they face as a result of the foolish behavior of Ben Mubarak, he resigns or be dismissed.

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