Delegations of leaders from STC arrive to Mukalla to participate in 6th session of National Assembly

Delegations of leaders from the Southern Transitional Council (STC), on Wednesday, arrived to Mukalla city to participate in the inauguration of the 6th session of the National Assembly of the STC to be held in Hadramout.
The delegations of the STC’s leaders moved on Wednesday morning in a high-level convoy, from the capital Aden passing through the governorates of Abyan and Shabwa, where people from the two governorates hailed the delegations of STC’s leaders during their journey on its way to Hadramout governorate.
It is worth mentioning that the National Assembly of the Southern Transitional Council will hold its 6th session during 21-22 May 2023, in the city of Mukalla in Hadramout governorate, with the participation of all of its members upon the directives of President Aidarous Qassem Al-Zubaidi, the President of the Southern Transitional Council, to the National Assembly to hold its 6th session in Hadramout for its strategic, economic, cultural and importance, and for its historical depth for the South