South Arabia

NSMA Issues Circular on Mandatory Professional Registration of Media Institutions and Offices

The National Southern Media Authority (NSMA) of the Southern Transitional Council (STC) has issued today, Monday, Circular No. (2) regarding the mandatory professional registration of heads and employees of media institutions, newspapers, and websites; heads, directors, and employees of independent media offices; and media representatives in local, regional, and international agencies, organizations, bodies, institutions, and unions operating in the capital, Aden, and the like.

The following is the text of the circular:

Circular No. (2) of the year 2023

Regarding mandatory professional registration

In implementation of our previous circular No. (1) 2023 issued on 6/7/2023 regarding inviting heads and employees of media institutions, newspapers, and websites, heads, directors, and employees of independent media offices, and media representatives in local, regional, and international agencies, organizations, bodies, institutions, and unions operating in the capital, Aden, and of equivalent status, it was decided that:

Requiring all local, regional, and international media institutions, organizations, bodies, and unions to register the names of their employees, media professionals, and journalists working at their headquarters in the capital, Aden, in NSMA and Media Office in the capital, Aden, to enable NSMA to take all procedures and measures to officially facilitate performing their duties.

Adopting a policy of decentralization in employment and giving priority to the people of the capital, Aden, to achieve the required proportionality and get benefit from expertise of the well-qualified journalists and media members of this ancient city.

The registration process starts from June 20, 2023 to August 20, 2023.

Registration at NSMA’s headquarters in al-Tawahi district in the capital, Aden, during official working hours.

Therefore, NSMA calls on expediting registration within the prescribed period.

The National Southern Media Authority (NSMA).

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