In response to the Hadrami Uprising call… Dozens demonstrate in Wadi Hadramout protesting against corruption and looting governorate wealth
Dozens of residents demonistrated in several cities of Wadi Hadramout denouncing the what the governorate is going through of collapsing of services, deteriorating of living status, and protesting against corruption and looting the wealths of the governorate.
In Sah of Wadi Hadramout, the residents protested in an event organized in front of the local administration building against corruption in the district, the decline in services, and the preoccupation of the governor with partisan work.
And in Al-Shihr, peaceful demonstrators went out on Tuesday, to participate in the protest implemented in front of the local administration building in the district, rejecting the collapse of services and the deterioration of public facilities.
On Tuesday morning also, the residents of Al-Qatn District gathered in a protest against the collapse of service conditions, the deterioration of facilities, and the government and administrative corruption.
In Tarim, the activities of the second Hadrami uprising protest took place in front of the local administration building of the district, to condemn the deterioration of services and facilities.
In Seiyun, citizens carried out a peaceful protest in front of the local administration building in the city in response to the call of the leadership of the Second Hadrami Uprising to demand citizens’ rights in the governorate’s oil revenues, and to improve services, calling on the governor of Hadramout to focus on his responsibilities, improve services, and stay away from creating political components and partisan work.