South Arabia
USA Declares Support for Central Bank of Yemen
[su_label type=”info”]SMA News – Washington – Follow-ups [/su_label][su_spacer size=”10″] US Ministry of Foreign Affairs asserted its commitment to support the Central Bank of Yemen as an independent unified financial association for all Yemenis. Statement of the ministry praised the efforts of the bank’s administration to improve its abilities and overcome any technical problems that face its work. Dr. Mohamed Zamam, governor of the Central Bank of Yemen, ended his consultative meetings with the technical support department of IMF that is diagnosing technical abilities of the central bank including main headquarters and other branches. The diagnosis aims to introduce a project for developing infrastructure and administrative processes of the central bank to keep up with modern banking advances. Zamam indicated that USA is a major supporter for improving the abilities of the Central Bank of Yemen. In addition, Saudi Arabia provided technical and monetary support for the bank that included a deposit of 2 billion US Dollars that helped the bank to launch its plans for assuming its legal and monitoring roles of the bank.