South Arabia

Directions to the southern forces in Abyan axis to raise combat readiness and high vigilance

Abyan Combat Axis Command paid an inspection visit to the military units deployed in camps and combat sites within its framework in Abyan Governorate, under the guidance of Brigadier General Mukhtar Al-Noubi, Commander of Abyan-Karish Axis.
The inspection visit, included Brigadier General Mohammed Al-Saadi, Axis War Staff, Colonel Ali Al-Badh, Deputy Chief of Axis Operations, and Captain Mahmoud Abdel Karim, Abyan Axis Armament Staff, in which they inspected a number of military sites and units stationed in Zinjibar, Khanfar, Shoqra, and Arqoub.

During the inspection visit, the Axis leadership got informed of the level of combat and moral readiness of members of the military units in the Axis, praising the great sacrifices, legendary steadfastness of the Axis heroes in their positions and military barracks and carrying out the tasks assigned to them to the fullest.

The Axis leadership urged the fighters and those stationed in those sites and barracks to be combat-ready and highly vigilant and not to allow anyone to threaten social peace, security and stability in Abyan governorate and the South in general, based on the military responsibility to maintain security and the capabilities and gains of the South.
The Command of Abyan Axis confirmed the readiness of the southern armed forces in Abyan axis and their high readiness to carry out any tasks assigned to them by the political and military leadership, represented by President Aidaroos Al-Zubaidi, to protect the South and confront any threat under various circumstances, at a time when the southern forces are aware of the magnitude of the challenges and conspiracies targeting the South by its enemies.

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