South Arabia

Lamlas reveals Aden’s security and health suffering as a result of illegal immigrants

The Minister of State, Governor of the capital, Aden, Ahmed Hamid Lamlas, renewed his call for holding a regional conference under the auspices of the United Nations to address illegal immigration, and the need to shift from emergency support to sustainable support.

Lamlas confirmed during his meeting on Thursday, with Julian Harness, the United Nations Humanitarian Coordinator in Yemen, and his deputy, Diego Zorrya, that the local authority had previously called for holding a regional conference bringing together countries of source, passing through, and arrival, to develop radical solutions to the problem of illegal immigration.

Lamlas pointed out that the capital, Aden, faces many security and health risks, as a result of the random spread of illegal immigrants from the Horn of Africa and the lack of their own shelter centers.

For his part, the Humanitarian Affairs Coordinator reviewed the plans and programs of the United Nations organization during the coming period, noting that the reality today in Aden and some other governorates is available for development work.

Harness stressed his keenness to hold Yemen-specific meetings on support and development work in Yemen, pointing out that the United Nations limit for humanitarian work and providing support is high, and in contrast, there is a small number of beneficiaries, which requires providing the necessary requirements to activate this aspect.

The meeting concluded by emphasizing the importance of serious and continuous cooperation, coordination and work between the local authority and the United Nations Humanitarian Coordinator on various relevant issues, including organizing support mechanisms from the bottom up, and working to shift from emergency support to sustainable support.

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