STC in Sayhut Inspects Activities of the Women’s Development Office

Ms. Nadia Khamis Ruwaished, Head of the Women and Child Administration in the Local Leadership Executive Body (LLEB) of the Southern Transitional Council (STC) in Sayhut District, Almahra Governorate, paid a visit on Monday, to inspect the activities of the Women’s Development Office in the district.
Ms. Ruwaished was briefed by Ms. Awsan Aqeel Ba-Abbad, Head of Women’s Development in the district, on the implemented activities, the extent of interest in the women’s sector in the district, the challenges facing women, and many other related issues.
The meeting discussed the mechanism of joint work and coordination with organizations supporting the women’s sector and efforts to improve women’s skills through training courses in various fields, as well as strengthening the role of women in society and facilitating the marketing of their handicrafts.
For her part, Ms. Ba-Abbad affirmed the cooperation of the local authority offices with the STC in whatever serves the people of the district, especially the women’s sector.