South Arabia

STC National Assembly Stands Before Martyrs and Wounded Committee Report

The Administrative Body of the National Assembly of the Southern Transitional Council (STC) held its weekly meeting on Wednesday, headed by Mr. Ali Abdullah Al-Kathiri, Chairman of the National Assembly and Acting President of the STC.

In the beginning of the meeting, which was attended by Mr. Issam Abdo, the Deputy Chairman of the Assembly, Mr. Al-Kathiri lauded the diligent work carried out by the assembly’s committees and the efforts exerted by their heads and deputies in successfully implementing the six-month plan, despite the challenges faced, urging them to redouble their efforts to complete the remaining portion of the plan for the second half of the year 2024.

The Chairman of the Assembly gave a comprehensive briefing on the general situation in the South and the conspiracies being hatched by adversarial forces seeking to undermine the social fabric, sow discord, and divide the Southern cohesiveness, highlighting attempts to incite chaos in Abyan Governorate and other governorates of the South while affirming that all such futile attempts are destined to fail, just as their previous ones have. At the same time, he praised the role of security services in tracking down and chasing terrorist cells and elements attempting to destabilise security and stability in the South, especially in the capital, Aden.

On the political side, the assembly’s chairman noted that peace efforts have reached a notable standstill due to the ongoing escalation by Houthi militias on international shipping lanes in the Red Sea, Bab al-Mandab Strait, and the Gulf of Aden.

The administrative body subsequently reviewed a report submitted by its martyrs and wounded committee. As a prelude, the body stood up a mimute in tribute to recite Al-Fatiha for the souls of the blessed martyrs who fell defending their Southern homeland and honour, and wishes were also offered for the speedy recovery of the wounded whose pure blood was shed on the sacred soil of the South.

The body discussed the preliminary statistics on the toll of martyrs and wounded in the governorates of the South, as outlined in the report, indicating that these figures are likely to rise, given the ongoing battles of our brave Southern Armed Forces in confronting the Houthi militia across all fronts, as well as their combating terrorist organisations as part of their dedicated efforts to establish the foundations of security and stability. The report concluded with a set of recommendations aimed at improving the conditions of the families of martyrs and the wounded.

At the end of its meeting, the body discussed a range of topics and issues related to the work of its committees, in addition to reviewing and approving the minutes of its previous meeting.

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