South Arabia

President Al-Zubaidi’s Remarks at the UNSC High-Level Open Debate

President Aidarous Qassem Al-Zubaidi, President of the Southern Transitional Council (STC) and Vice Chairman of the Presidential Leadership Council (PLC), delivered an address at the high-level open debate of the UN Security Council on harnessing leadership for peace, themed “united in respect of the UN Charter, in search of a secure future,” within the agenda “the necessity for the maintenance of international peace and security.”

Below are the full remarks:

Mr. President Robert Golub
Prime Minister of the friendly Republic of Slovenia

Your Excellencies:

Leadership for peace begins in this chamber, and it is undoubtedly the responsibility and duty of the Security Council. However, all too often, the Council lacks the necessary political will to fulfill its mandate. As a result, conflicts escalate and spread, as we are witnessing in Yemen.

Mr. President,
Ten years have passed since the conflict erupted in our country, claiming hundreds of thousands of innocent lives. Millions have been pushed to the brink of famine due to Houthi terrorism, with women and children bearing the brunt of this suffering. Additionally, humanitarian workers and UN staff have faced arbitrary arrest and enforced disappearance. The lack of international political will to end the conflict has led to a surge in terrorist activities.

The consequences of these actions are evident today in the Red Sea, where Houthi attacks on maritime security and international shipping lanes have lacked effective countering. This is a direct result of the failure to end the conflict and the lack of serious response to such acts.

The current situation in our country is no longer tenable, and the best interests of our people lie in ending the conflict and finding a lasting solution. This is a shared goal with our regional allies and the international community.

At the Future Summit, UN Secretary-General António Guterres stressed the urgent need for sustainable solutions to global conflicts. This is a vision we must all support from this platform. I highlight our need for a comprehensive new approach to end the conflict in Yemen and restore the peace that our people so richly deserve.

Firstly, the international community should prioritize containing the threat posed by the Houthis to regional, global, and Yemeni security, as a clear statement has to be sent that the Houthis’ violence and oppressive rule will never go without punishment.

Secondly, there is a pressing need for a collective effort to empower the PLC to put an end to the chaos and anarchy perpetrated by the Houthis.

Thirdly, priority of concerted efforts to end the dire humanitarian suffering and address the deteriorating economic conditions that have miserably been affecting our people.

These steps pave the way for a comprehensive Yemeni-led political process, supported by regional and international actors, to ensure a lasting political solution.


For much of our homeland’s turbulent history, issues and parties that should have been paramount in shaping our future have been sidelined. Foremost among these is resolving the cause of the South, for which developing a special negotiating framework was agreed upon in the 2022 consultations held by GCC in Al-Ryadh. It is also imperative to ensure that the voices of youth, women, and minorities are represented, as lasting peace can solely be achieved through an inclusive political process that encompasses these issues and parties.

In conclusion, securing peace in our country requires proactive and collaborative leadership at the international, regional, and local levels to create a holistic approach and sufficient momentum to durably bring about peace. I am confident that by working together from this very chamber, we can achieve the just future well-deserved by our people.

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