South Arabia

President Al-Zubaidi Delivers Key Address to People of the South at Home and Abroad on 61st Anniversary of Glorious October Revolution

President Aidarous Qassem Al-Zubaidi, President of the Southern Transitional Council (STC), Supreme Commander of the Southern Armed Forces, and Vice Chairman of the Presidential Leadership Council (PLC), has delivered a key address to the great people of the South both at home and abroad on the occasion of the 61st anniversary of the glorious 14th of October Revolution.

The full text of the address is as follows:

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

All praise is for Allah, Lord of the Worlds. May the praise of Allah and His peace be on Prophet Muhammad [PBUH], his family, and companions.

Our esteemed brothers and sisters, the free men and women of our great people of the South, both within our homeland and abroad:

On this glorious October evening, it gives us great pleasure to salute you and congratulate you on the 61st anniversary of the glorious and immortal October 14th Revolution, which was launched from the lofty mountains of Radhfan on this very day in 1963, declaring a blessed liberation revolution that shook the throne of the occupier, broke his rule, and forced him to leave on November 30th, 1967, after four years of unrelenting struggle and ultimate sacrifice.

Our Great People of the South, offspring and grandoffspring of the creators of the glory of October and November, Our celebration and pride in commemorating the victory of the 14th of October Revolution is, in fact, a celebration of the great national achievements of the South realized by our people on this day, as our people rose up in triumph for their dignity, defending their right to life and freedom, and rejecting the tutelage of occupation, its oppression, and usurpation of the rights and resources of our people.

Indeed, the enduring luster of the revolution, celebrated after more than six decades, is a testament to the deep-rooted goals and values of this noble national uprising within the collective consciousness of our Southern society. It also serves as a resounding declaration that the revolution will definitely continue until the full realization of freedom and independence, which suffered a fatal setback and was derailed in 1994 by the imposition of another form of occupation, embodied by the depriving of freedom, the confiscation of rights, the plunder of land and resources, and the erosion of dignity for which our people have valiantly been fighting and sacrificing.

O free people of the South,
The glorious 14th of October Revolution could not have been ignited and triumphed with such limited and unequal resources against the British colonial arsenal, had it not been for the unwavering determination of its revolutionaries. Their resolute commitment to forging a Southern homeland, free from the yoke of occupation, oppression, and tyranny, reached such heights that the occupier found themselves on a powder keg. Despite their formidable military arsenal and oppressive tools, the British were unable to extinguish the flames of this revolution, halt its inexorable progress, and train of revolution. This revolutionary spirit, deeply ingrained in the consciousness of our people across the emirates, sheikhdoms, and the Aden Protectorate, proved to be the ultimate catalyst for victory.

Citizens and Fighters:
History may not repeat itself, but it often rhymes, and this is evident in the ongoing struggle of our people, from 1963 to the present day, as our people find themselves in a cycle of events, where citizens are once again compelled to bear arms and raise their resounding voices in defense of their existence and land against multiple projects of occupation, destruction, terrorism, and plunder. Just as the first revolution triumphed in November 1967, so too will this current uprising, culminating in the restoration of our long-awaited federal state of the South with its eternal capital, Aden.

Free men and women of the South,
Today we commemorate the 61st anniversary of the glorious 14th of October Revolution, whose spark ignited from the lofty and high mountains of Radhfan. As we continue our march forward on the path of our Southern liberation revolution, we strive to achieve the grand objectives for which thousands of blessed martyrs and wounded have sacrificed their precious souls. The train of our revolution will not halt until we have restored and rebuilt our free and independent state of the South with its full sovereignty, extending from Almahra to Bab al-Mandab. Verily, this is our firm pledge to that pure blood that has been watering the soil of our sacred land.

Our proud people of the South,
The regional turmoil has undoubtedly cast a long shadow over our homeland, its liberation revolution, and the people’s struggle to rebuild their state. This calls for greater cohesiveness, solidarity, and synergy, as well as the rejection of all causes of division and disparity, and standing firm against all plots aimed at undermining national cohesiveness, in an attempt to recreate the fragmented reality that our liberation revolution experienced in recent years. Therefore, we reiterate that the South is a different place now and that our people are now fully aware of their goals and will not allow any projects to reintroduce the forces of occupation through malicious means.

O free people, wherever you may be:
As we commemorate today the anniversary of a glorious revolution in which our people were able to take by force their rights to freedom and dignity, we reaffirm to the world that the same people are capable today of reclaiming their right to independence and sovereignty over their land through appropriate means. For the sterling will of our people, grounded in the will of God and the righteousness of their cause, is the most powerful and prevailing force, and no force can compel them to accept options that do not align with their aspirations for independence, restoration, and state-building.

Our steadfast and free people of the South:
We recognize the depth of the suffering inflicted upon our people by the oppressive siege aimed at forcing them to accept incomplete options. Yet, our people, who rose up against tyranny, will never yield to subjugation or humiliation, no matter what the challenges, our noble revolution shall persevere until our ultimate goal of complete independence is realized regardless of who agrees or does not agree, as with time and patience the mulberry leaf becomes a silk gown.

Our official brothers and friends in the regional and international communities:
No doubt, achieving peace and stability in our region, which is experiencing a long-standing conflict caused by ignoring the pivotal issues, requires today a serious stance and the adoption of a comprehensive strategy that addresses the roots of the conflict and confronts all threats and dangers, with a focus on dealing decisively with Houthi terrorism and its affiliated groups. While we support all peace efforts, the peace we seek is a just peace that realistically addresses the underlying causes of conflict in the region. We firmly believe that peace and stability cannot be achieved in our region while Iranian-backed militias continue to spread terror, harming our people and jeopardizing regional and international interests in vital shipping lanes.

In conclusion:
As we celebrate the anniversary of the October 14th Revolution, we do remember with gratitude the ultimate sacrifices of its leaders and fighters.
salute its heroic leaders and revolutionaries, praying to Allah, the Almighty, to accept its blessed martyrs with His vast mercy and forgiveness. We would also like to salute the heroes of our Southern Armed Forces, stationed at the frontlines of honor and valor and in every inch of the pure land of the beloved South.

All respect and tribute go to the indomitable women of the South, mothers and sisters of the blessed martyrs, and to the youth of the South, the makers of the present and the leaders of the future.

All the best and peace, mercy, and the blessings of Allah be upon you.

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