South Arabia

STC Assembly Reviews Performance Report of 2024

The Administrative Body of the National Assembly of the Southern Transitional Council (STC) held its regular meeting on Wednesday, headed by Mr. Ali Abdullah Al-Kathiri, Chairman of the National Assembly and Acting President of the STC.

Mr. Al-Kathiri’s opening remarks in the meeting, which was attended by Mr. Issam Abdo Ali, Deputy Chairman of the Assembly, reaffirmed the pursuing of the people of the South and their unwavering resolve, under the leadership of the STC, to relentlessly defend the entirety of the Southern homeland and the goals of our revolution, striving to achieve full independence despite the multi-pronged crises: economic, military, political, and media warfare.

The administrative body highlighted the dire living, economic, and service conditions in the South, emphasizing that the people of the South have been pushed to their limits by the severe deterioration in all sectors.

The body expressed its deep frustration with the government’s failure to fulfill its duties to state employees, particularly in failing to pay their salaries for the third consecutive month, calling on the brothers in the Arab coalition and friends to intervene and put an end to this mismanagement and incompetence that plagues the government’s performance.

The body has urged an immediate and urgent disbursement of public employees’ salaries, a halt to the currency’s collapse, and improvements to public services in the South, and vowed to stand with the people of the South in opposing and confronting mass torture and deprivation, should new changes not be made to end corruption and mismanagement. They have further demanded that all governorates supply revenues to the central bank in the capital, Aden, and that the government fulfill its obligations to the people.

In another context, the body reviewed the Assembly’s annual performance report, including its own work, evaluated the extent to which the 2024 plan had been implemented, and formally approved the report after taking into account the raised remarks.

At the end of the meeting, Mr. Al-Kathiri praised the efforts exerted during 2024, stressing the need to promptly finalize the preparation of the plan for the new year, 2025.

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