South Arabia

A Prominent Houthi Leader Killed in Action During Clashes with Southern Giant Brigades in Al-Hodeida

[su_label type=”info”]SMA News – Al- Arabia Al- Yemenia – Al-Hodeida – Exclusive [/su_label][su_spacer size=”10″] A prominent leader of Al-Houthi terrorist militias was killed with number of his companions on Thursday June 21st, 2018 during clashes with Southern Giants Brigades in Al-Hodeida – Yemen.
Sources confirmed that “Zain Al-Abedin Mohamed Nasser Al-Assy”, nicknamed “Abu Batoul”, was killed in actions in Al-Hodeida. “Al-Assy” was from Hajjaj and considered one of the most prominent Houthi leaders and responsible for Shars training camp of Al-Houthis.

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