South Arabia

Murdering the Imam and Preacher of Al-Monsora Mosque,in Aden.

[su_label type=”info”]SAMA News – Aden [/su_label][su_spacer size=”10″][su_label type=”info”]Amman – SMA – PIC[/su_label][/su_spacer] In the early down of Wednesday, anonymous gunmen murdered the Imam
and preacher of Al-Sehaba  mosque in  Al-Monsora district in Aden
During his way to perform Alfajer prayer,  Sheikh Fahd Mohammed Qasim
Al-Yunisi- the  imam and preacher of Al-Sehaba mosque, which situated
in Block 22 in Al-Monsora, was murdered by anonymous gunmen, according
to the media..
Al-Younsi is the manager of AL_Bonyain private school and a member in
the administrative council of AL-Hakma Al-Yamania charity organization
and the secretary leader of Aden preachers-league.

Recently, a similar attack has been bombed the car of Shikh Yassen
Al-Adeni, the preacher of Zaid mosque.

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