
Abd Al-Nasser Al-Kazemi Wins “OC 150 AWARD” and Is Honored Among the Most 150 Influential Public Figures in Canada

[su_label type=”info”]SMA News – Ottawa – Canada – Akram Al-Quaiti [/su_label][su_spacer size=”10″][su_label type=”info”]Amman – SMA – PIC[/su_label][/su_spacer] During Canada’s celebrations of 150th anniversary of Founding Canada, on Saturday December 2nd 2017, the most prominent activists and influential personalities of Canadian society were honored by “OC 150 Award”. The ceremony was held in Carleton University – Ottawa, Canada, in celebration of the 150th Anniversary of Founding Canada. Her excellency Mrs. Elizabeth Dawdswell, Deputy of Governor General in Ontario as a representative of Queen Elizabeth of Canada, General Attorney of Ontario, and Senator Yasser Najafy. Canadian authorities award this prize for the most influential 150 public figures in the Canadian society, from diverse races and cultures as an expression of the Canadian government and her Majesty’s appreciation of their noble efforts. This year, Abd Al-Nasser Al-Kazemi was among the honored public figures. Al-Kazemi was congratulated by the Southern Sons’ Forum, Hadhramaut Sons’ Forum, The Southern Taskforce and several southern figures living in Canada and abroad. He was considered an influential figure in the Canadian society and proved his excellence through massive efforts that put him as an ideal and major representative of southern citizens in Canada. Al-Kazemi is an active person who influenced the Canadian society through his work and public relations. He established his well-known reputation on the international level and passed all obstacles. This made him an ideal for young men who are persistent in their work. Four years ago, he was honored by governor general by an honorary medal in celebration of the diamond jubilee of Queen Elizabeth Coronation. In a phon call with SAMA News reporter in Canada, Akram Al-Quaiti, Al-Kazemi thanked the Canadian government and her Majesty Queen Elizabeth for their confidence. He considered that choosing him to be honored is not a personal event. Instead, he considered it as an honor for the whole southern community in Ottawa and Canada. He urged everybody to be more effective and influential in the Canadian society and to work for noble goals and great expectations. He also thanked all those who congratulated him for the award.

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