
Dunford: Iran Provides Al-Houthi with Cruise Missiles and Threatens Bab Al-Mandeb

[su_label type=”info”]SMA News – Al-Arabia – Dubai[/su_label][su_spacer size=”10″] US Joint chief of Staff, general Joseph Dunford, asserted that Iran is still providing Al-Houthi militias with cruise missiles to threaten navigation in Bab Al-Mandeb, according to Al-Arabia Channel. The US Military official considered freedom of navigation in Hormuz and Bab Al-Mandeb Straits as a key issue for USA indicating that Iran’s acts of providing Al-Houthi militias with cruise missiles and advanced weapons is a real threat to this vital sea path and the international trade traffic. He considered such acts a challenge to US commitment of keeping these vital sea paths open and secure for international navigation. Observers indicated that Al-Houthi attacks against trade and Human Aid ships in Bab Al-Mandeb and Adan Gulf are clear indications to the wild desire of these militias to threaten the stability of the whole region and affecting trade and navigation safety in these waters negatively. On the other hand, Al-Houthi militias continued threatening international navigation in the Red Sea and Bab Al-Mandeb through targeting a UAE human aids ship while sailing off Al-Makha sea port.

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