internationalSouth Arabia

Major Diplomatic Steps for the Southern Transitional Council in Several Countries and a New Southern TV Channel to Be Broadcasted Soon

[su_label type=”info”]SMA News – USA – Exclusive – Abu Waddah Al-Quaity [/su_label][su_spacer size=”10″] Department of Foreign Affairs in the Southern Transitional Council is preparing for major diplomatic steps to present the vision of the council through participating in consulting meetings arranged by some international centers for developing a political solution in Yemen. In a special release to SAMA News, Abd Al-Salam Kassem Mosaad, directors of Burau of foreign affair of the southern transitional council in USA, indicated that foreign diplomacy of the council is working very hard through political movements and meetings with decision makers all over the world. He added that Aidarous Al-Zubaidi, president of the southern transitional council, and other leaders of the council will visit USA, UK, France, Sweden, Holland and several East Asian countries to reinforce the political and diplomatic work of the council and strengthen southern relations with these countries. He also indicated that a news southern TV channel and several southern newspapers will be released soon with support of the council.

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