
Security Council Press Statement on Yemen about its Political Talks

The following Security Council press statement was issued on Tuesday by Council President Vassily A. Nebenzia (Russian Federation):

The members of the Security Council expressed their strong support for efforts to secure a comprehensive ceasefire and inclusive Yemeni-Yemeni political talks, under the auspices of the United Nations Special Envoy for Yemen based on the agreed references and consistent with the relevant Security Council resolutions.
In this regard, they welcomed the recent agreement between the Government of Yemen and the Houthis in Geneva, which provided for the release of hundreds of conflict-related detainees. They looked forward to the implementation of this agreement during the holy month of Ramadan and encouraged continued dialogue and progress on confidence-building measures to work towards a political settlement and ultimately easing the suffering of Yemenis.

The members of the Security Council strongly condemned the recent Houthi escalations, including targeting of senior Government of Yemen officials in Taiz, and urged them to refrain from provocation and prioritize the Yemeni people. They also condemned the military escalations in Marib and Shabwa which led to a number of fatalities, damage to property and the displacement of families. They encouraged the parties to engage constructively in efforts to resolve the conflict through peaceful means and to protect civilians in line with international humanitarian law.

The members of the Security Council also expressed their support for the United Nations’ efforts to prevent a catastrophic spill from the Safer oil tanker and called on donors, including the private sector and international community, to contribute the remaining $34 million needed to undertake the emergency operation. They reiterated the importance of timely implementation of the project in order to prevent an economic, environmental and humanitarian disaster in the Red Sea and beyond.

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