internationalSouth Arabia

Shatara to the European Council for Foreign Affairs: The Southern Transitional Council is the Choice of the Southern People

[su_label type=”info”]SMA News – London [/su_label][su_spacer size=”10″] Members of the presidency of the southern transitional council and chairman of media department, Lotfy Shatara, asserted that the southern transitional council represents the will of the southern people who is lounging for restoring his state after two decades of struggle intercepted by two wars in 1994 and 2015.
“During these two wars against the south, powers of authority in the north tried to break the will of the southern people and bury their cause. But the southern people came out victorious and expressed, in one voice, that he will never give up the aim to which he fought for twenty years” added Shatara.
In a round table, held by the European council for Foreign Affairs in London, with attendance of several European politicians and media men, in addition to Dr. Aidarous Al-Naqueeb, chairman of the foreign affairs department, and Mohamed Al-Sahamy, consultant of the foreign affairs department, Shatara explained in details the steps taken by the southern transitional council since Adan Historical Declaration and the delegation of General Aidarous Al-Zubaidy to form a unified southern leadership to restore the southern people’s rights and to achieve his political expectations.
Shatara indicated that it was the first time in the history of politics in the south to form a unified leadership representing all southern governorates. He added that the council opened the door for participation of all sectors of the southern society to create a better future through the national assembly and the center for decision making. He also indicated that the council is about to form a consultative commission with 230 southern public figures who are all patriotic and well-qualified persons.
Shatara also indicated that the council is open-minded for all countries that respect the will of the southern people and his right to choose his future as the southern transitional council clearly indicated, through all its political speeches, that the council is a real partners with the Arab Ally countries in establishing international security and stability, fighting terrorism and protecting the mutual interests with all parties that respect and recognize the right of the south to build up his political future on the lands of his southern state according to 20-5-1990 borders.
At the end of the round table, Shatara answered all questions of European diplomats and media men attending the meeting.

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