internationalSouth Arabia

Southern Community in New York Delivers the Message and Statement of the Southern Transitional Council to UN Secretary General After Their Demonstration Against the Government’s Policies.

[su_label type=”info”]SMA News – New York – Exclusive [/su_label][su_spacer size=”10″]

On September 6th, 2018, the southern community in New York demonstrated in front of UN Headquarter in New York. The demonstration came to denounce the exclusion of the southern transitional council from Geneva negotiations. Demonstrators expressed their support to the council in its attitude towards the southern people who launched a wave of protests against poor economic conditions, deterioration of national currency and corruption of the so-called legitimacy government. The southern people also demanded the right of restoring their independent state as the union proved to be failure and southern transitional council became the legitimate representative of the south. Demonstrators held banners in Arabic and English demanding UN to support the self-determination right of the southern people according to UN convention. They also confirmed the southern attitude about fighting terrorism and establishing peace. Demonstrators, represented by Hussain Abdullah Bagash, Abdullah Muthanna Al-Arousi, Mohamed Al-Basisi, Nasser Shanzour and Samir Abari, delivered a message to UN secretary general’s office declaring full support to the statement of the southern transitional council and denouncing the marginalization of the southern people in Geneva talks.

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