internationalSouth Arabia

Speech of Mr. Abd Al-Salam Kassem Mosaad, Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Office in UAS and Canada, in a Seminar Held in the US Congress

[su_label type=”info”]SMA News – Washington – Exclusive [/su_label][su_spacer size=”10″] Ladies and Gentlemen
Along the history and till the end of World War One, there was no state called Yemen. Our opponents criticize us as “separatists”. What a pity. They cut short the suffering of an independent nation with a distinct culture and identity. A nation that had an independent state and was member of the Arab League and UN till 1990 when our people was forced, by a political decision, to go into a union with the Arab Republic of Yemen.
The union between Arab Republic of Yemen and People’s Democratic Republic of Yemen failed and we are dreaming of restoring our state. we are not trying to separate one people as along history we are two separate peoples. This dream is not the result of today’s facts. Instead, southern people struggled for long to achieve this dream of an independent free state. Sanaa’s regimen continued for tens of year to imprison, torture, kill and displace southern citizens to deny them their right of self-determination. But the expectations of the southern people are now translated into moderate political powers that fight for peace and stability in the region.
The southern people were first to alert, very early, against the destructive role of Iran in Yemen. Southern resistance defeated Al-Houthi militias supported by Iran in all southern cities while the so-called legitimacy government failed to liberate a single governorate in the north. Southern troops even liberated northern zones on behalf of the so-called legitimacy government. Southern Giants Brigades, with backup of Arab Coalition, liberated vast zones of the west coast and reached Al-Hodeida that is about to be liberated from Al-Houthis to put an end to Iranian ambitions in threatening international navigational and regional security. The southern resistance proved to be a true partner in fighting terrorism of Al-Qaeda, ISIS and Al-Houthis with backup of the Arab Coalition led by Saudi Arabia and with logistic support of UAE and USA.
We are facing Iran to secure the Arab Gulf and Red Sea. We are helping not to see another Hezbollah on the borders of Saudi Arabia, our neighbor and the homeland of the two holy mosques, as Al-Houthis are targeting its borders with Iranian ballistic missiles continually. Our top priority is to establish peace and security of the region and face the danger of Iran-supported Al-Houthi militias that led the region to current poor conditions in addition to relieving daily suffering of our people due to full absence of the government and its clear corruption.
The so-called legitimacy government is supposed to be a partner for the Arab Coalition in facing Al-Houthis and Iran while it is still depending on Muslim Brotherhood as a key player and controller of political decision. For more than four years, this government is creating and recycling problems without even thinking of solving them. people are under starvation, epidemics and deterioration of services while the so-called legitimacy government is not listening to their suffering as this corrupt government doesn’t care for the lives of people, old and young, sick and needy, who are dying daily.
The southern transitional council is the umbrella for all southern citizens who are eager for freedom and independence. The council is fighting on several fronts. We are facing Al-Houthis and terrorists. At the same time, we are seeking international recognition of our right in self-determination and restoration of our modern democratic free independent state. these rights are denied for long. We request your support to our southern right in self-determination as we are confident that solving the southern cause will foster peace and security of the region. Independent south means no more conflicts. Instead, it means more stability and mutual interests. Any try to exclude the southern transitional council from peace negotiations in Yemen will have negative consequences as we will never abandon our right in freedom and self-determination.
We have mutual interests and common things with USA including facing Iranian militias and fighting ISIS, Al-Qaeda and extremist thinking. We have present and future common strategic interests.
We dream of a homeland where human rights are guaranteed, where women are equal to men, where children have the opportunity for good education and health care. This didn’t’ happen during the years of union. Therefore, we will build it with our own hands. We believe that it is time to restore our state.
Thank you for listening.

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