internationalSouth Arabia

Statement of Office of Foreign Affairs of the Southern Transitional Council in USA and Canada

[su_label type=”info”]SMA News – Washington – Exclusive [/su_label][su_spacer size=”10″] New failure for “Yemeni Legitimacy” Diplomacy
The US Supreme Court supports the ban on Yemeni citizens entering the USA
As citizens of Yemen in general lack hope inside Yemen, especially with our people in the south spending a harsh summer season and unknown horizon, the simplest services and means of life are lacking in the so-called temporary capital of Yemeni Legitimacy, Aden. On the other hand, living in neighboring countries became impossible of Yemenis in general and southern citizens in specific, especially with new Arab laws of residence.
Yemeni legitimacy diplomacy failed to convince friend governments in the neighboring countries to grant Yemeni residents with some kind of facilitations. In addition, the US supreme court declared on Tuesday June 265th, 2018 its decision to agree on extending and establishing the ban travel for citizens of several countries including Yemen. Ironically, some of these countries, like Syria, don’t have diplomatic representation in USA that might work against the decision while Yemen has a full diplomatic delegation in addition to representative in the United Nations in New York. Despite the huge budget allocated to the Yemeni diplomatic delegation in USA, Yemenis’ fate was similar to fates of other countries who don’t have diplomats in USA.
It is expected that shortly this decision will have severe consequences on Yemeni families trying to reunion in USA as the waiting list of US Visa include nearly 10 thousand Yemenis whose papers will be rejected.
One of the conditions imposed by US administration to cancel the ban is that concerned countries’ embassies may file requests for cooperation in several issues including information about migrants and suspect terrorists of these countries. But Yemeni diplomacy, as all other departments of this “legitimacy” government, does not control over such information that may settle the issues of its citizens everywhere. This adds a news tragedy to Yemenis and provides us and the international society with a new proof that “Yemeni Legitimacy” is not efficient enough to handle even a small portion of Yemeni citizens’ affairs.
According to our experience in Washington, the capital of international decision-making process, we realize that we are in a democratic environment that can be affected and even changed if only sincere efforts are exerted. Diplomacies of Iraq, Sudan and Chad managed to cancel the ban travel for their citizens after fulfilling the requirements of US National Security Council. This enabled Iraq, Sudan and Chad to leave the ban list while Yemen remained.
According to our responsibilities, the office of foreign affairs of the southern transitional council in Washington tries to notify Washington’s concerned bodies with the suffering of our people in the south. All what are concerned about in the “ban travel file” is to notify these bodies with the suffering of our people in the south who want to visit USA. We are trying to highlight the differences between the south and legitimacy on one hand and Al-Houthis on the other. We are trying to assert that our people in the south have nothing to do with reasons of the ban as these reasons are only related to Muslim Brotherhood and Houthi cells that we are always fighting against in all fronts. Finally, the office is ready to start from scratch to provide all guarantees demanded by US administration to check the background of our citizens who desire to reunite their families in USA or those who requested a visiting or medication visa.

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