internationalSouth Arabia

The First Anniversary of Opening the Office of Foreign Affairs of the Southern Transitional Council in EU

[su_label type=”info”]SMA News Berlin – Exclusive [/su_label][su_spacer size=”10″] [su_dropcap]O[/su_dropcap]n February 12th, 2018, the Southern Transitional Council opened the office of foreign affairs in EU in Berlin. The office covers all EU countries expect for UK.
As a team, we worked to create communication channels among political parties, ministries, NGOs, political organizations and media organization in EU. We held several consultative meetings and seminars to introduce the political, economic, social and law-making aspects of the south to EU countries. The introduction of the southern cause gained major interest on the political and law-making aspects. We also indicated to all parties that we want an inclusive political process in Yemen where the south is a major partner. We will keep working on southern participation in peace negotiations to fulfill the expectations of the southern people in independence. This will be on focus during the upcoming stage.
In addition, we managed to create fruitful cooperation and build good relations with other southern communities and unions in Germany, Holland and Scandinavian countries in addition to Belgium, Switzerland, Poland and France. We tried to help southern refugees in Europe.
It was a year full of work and we hope for a more fruitful one next year, God Willing.

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