
UK Expels 23 Russian diplomats and Hold Moscow Responsible for the Assassination of the Russian Spy Skripal

[su_label type=”info”]SMA News – London – Agencies [/su_label][su_spacer size=”10″] UK government decided to expel 23 Russian diplomats out of UK Soil after accusing the Russian government with attempting to assassinate Sergei Skripal, a Russian spy, and his daughter with nerve gas. During a session of the parliament, Prime Minister Theresa May indicated that the diplomats, who have a week to leave, were identified as “undeclared intelligence officers”. She also indicated that none of UK ministers of members of the royal family will attend FIFA World Cup 2018 to be held in Moscow. May asserted that it country’s interest may conflict with total break up with Russia, but diplomatic relations will never return as the same before the accident. UK will suspend all bilateral high-level contacts including cancelling the invitation of Russian Minister of Foreign Affair, Sergei Lavrov, to London. In retaliation, Russian embassy in London said that the UK decision of expulsion of 23 Russian diplomats is a short-sighted, unjustified and inacceptable hostile act. The embassy added that political leadership of UK may hold full responsibility about deterioration of UK-Russian relations.

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