Crime rates are increasing in Sana’a

The crime rate has increased in the city of Sana’a, which is under the control of the terrorist Houthi militia, in light of constantly recording horrific incidents, as the popular Al-Sinah neighborhood woke up to the crime of killing a young man at the hands of his friend.
Residents said that a young man named Osama Jayash was killed by his friend, Abdul Basit Al-Erqi, adding that the killer ran away after looting the victim’s mobile.
Sana’a was shocked by the crime of killing the academic, professor of architecture, Mohammad Ali Naim, in a crime whose details are still vague, despite the Iranian-backed militia’s announcement of the arrest of the perpetrator, whose recorded confessions were suspicious.
In addition, the family of Abdul Rahman Al-Mahdi is still living a great shock after the disappearance of her two children Hana (three years) and Ahmed (two years) since last Sunday, and surveillance cameras revealed that they were kidnapped in front of the apartment building in which the family lives.
The city also records cases of theft, pickpocketing, cutting and robbery almost daily by organized gangs.