middle east

Israeli forces arrest dozens of Palestinians in West Bank amid settler violence in Sheikh Jarrah


Violence by Israeli settlers against Palestinians in the West Bank has witnessed a marked increase in recent months, with reports of assaults and property destruction occurring in what human rights experts described as an ‘atmosphere of impunity’.

Israeli forces carried out multiple overnight raids in the early hours of Tuesday, arresting at least 25 Palestinians across the West Bank, local sources reported.

Israeli forces raided homes in the Qarawat Bani Hassan town, northwest of Salfit, ransacking dozens of houses and arresting 13 Palestinians, Wafa reported.

At least five other Palestinians were arrested in the Silwan neighbourhood, the report added.

Israeli forces detained two Palestinians in the northern West Bank after breaking into their house in Jenin city.

They also detained two others in a raid that triggered confrontations in Jenin refugee camp. Others were detained in the Jenin district.

Israeli troops fired tear gas at Palestinians who attempted to block their passage, Wafa reported.

Israeli forces repeatedly carry out night raids on Palestinian homes across the West Bank, alleging to be searching for “wanted” Palestinians, triggering clashes with residents.

The latest wave of arrests comes after Palestinians stood up to Israeli settlers who are trying to forcefully evict several Palestinian families from their homes in the Sheikh Jarrah neighbourhood.

Israeli settlers, backed by Israeli troops, attacked Palestinian families with chairs, fireworks, and pepper spray injuring at least 20 Palestinians, including children, according to the Red Crescent emergency services who treated the wounded.

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