Russia deploys military reinforcements to northeastern Syria

Head of the Russia-Syria Joint Monitoring Centre Dmitry Suntsov announced on Monday the deployment of additional Russian military units to northeastern Syria.
Suntsov confirmed that an additional Russian military police unit had been deployed to the city of Hasaka in northeastern Syria to strengthen the joint observation posts with the Syrian regime forces, and to contribute to calming the conflict in the region.
He explained that the Russian reinforcements would be posted in the towns of Ain Issa, Tal Tamer and Amuda and other residential centres, in order to monitor compliance with the ceasefire and provide assistance to the local population.
Earlier on Sunday, the Turkish forces established a control tower on the outskirts of the M4 highway connecting northeastern Syria to the western part of the country.
Last December, Russia and the Syrian government agreed with the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) to establish three joint military observation posts in the town of Ain Issa.
According to the agreement, the posts will monitor the ceasefire and violations of “Turkish-governed” zones in the region.