middle eastSouth Arabia

Saudi Minister of Islamic Affairs: Muslim Brotherhood Are Terrorists, Killers and Destroyers. They Are Behind All Crimes in the Islamic World.

[su_label type=”info”]SMA News – Okaz News Paper – Saudi Arabia[/su_label][su_spacer size=”10″][su_dropcap]A[/su_dropcap]bd Al-Latif Al Al-sheikh, Saudi minister of Islamic Affairs, Call and Guidance, launched a sever attack over Muslim Brotherhood.
In a comment of the explosion of Cancer Center in Cairo – Egypt, Al Al-sheik said: “This is sorrowful and those who did it are the evilest persons in this era. Those are Muslim Brotherhood, the callers of evil, killing, greed and destruction. They are behind all crimes in the Islamic world. They are dressing like Muslims while they are very far from Islamic principles, ethics and religion”.
He added: “This fierce attack against Saudi Arabia from enemies of Islam and the Arabs, is based on several principles, the most important of which is the religious principle. They don’t want Islam to be based on Quran and Sunnah. Instead, they want Islam that suites their desires”.
In his meeting with Muslim Imams from all over the world, Al Al-sheikh said: “Terrorist organizations try to abuse Muslims and those feeble-minded persons to launch their destructive agenda to divide the Islamic countries. Unfortunately, these organizations hide behind Islamic notions while they are trading off their religion. They made it a means towards their political purposes”.

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