Southern Giants Forces Repel Houthi Attack on Outskirts of Al-Jawbah District, South of Marib

The Southern Giants Forces repelled an attack launched by the terrorist Houthi militia on mountainous sites in the Mal’a Front, in Harib District, on the outskirts of Al-Jawbah District, south of Marib Governorate.
The Southern Giants Forces were able to repel the terrorist Houthi attack on the sites in the mountains of the Mal’a Front, and engaged in violent clashes in which the militias suffered heavy losses in equipment and lives.
The forces used light and medium weapons to confront the Houthi attack, and forced the militias to retreat and flee, dragging their tails of defeat and defeat.
The Southern Giants Forces continue to confront, thwart and deter Houthi attacks and infiltrations on the fronts of Harib District, south of Marib Governorate.