The Yemeni Embassy In Saudi Arabia Issues A Warning Announcement To Its Citizens

The Yemeni Embassy and Cultural Mission in Saudi Arabia issued a warning announcement to its nationals there, disclaiming responsibility for documents they described as forged, circulated on social media regarding the admission of Yemeni students to Saudi universities.
The embassy said, in a statement it described as a warning, that it declares “it is not responsible for the forged documents circulating through social media (WhatsApp and others) that have spread recently and whose promoters claim that some Saudi universities have accepted female or male students from Yemen for sums of money, tuition fees, or health insurance.” Or travel tickets, etc., noting that students on cultural exchange scholarships or students on competitive scholarships from Yemen study for free in Saudi universities without any fees or financial costs imposed on them, according to the statement.
The Yemeni embassy and its cultural attaché warned against dealing with those it said were impersonating representatives or delegates of the embassy or the cultural attaché, so as not to be exposed to legal accountability before the competent authorities in Saudi Arabia, pledging that it would prosecute anyone proven to be impersonating the embassy or its employees, stressing that There are no representatives of the embassy or cultural attaché.