UNHCR Special Envoy Angelina Jolie arrives in Yemen

The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees in Yemen announced on Sunday, the arrival of the Special Envoy of the High Commissioner for Refugees, Angelina Jolie, to Yemen, to meet those affected by the war.
Earlier, UNHCR said in a statement that UNHCR Special Envoy Angelina Jolie is arriving in Yemen on a visit to help draw attention to the catastrophic consequences of the seven-year conflict on the Yemeni people.
The statement pointed out that the American monthly representative, “will visit Yemeni families, including displaced families and refugees, to hear from them firsthand how the conflict tore their lives.”
UNHCR expressed its hope that “its visit will highlight the growing humanitarian needs in Yemen and help mobilize urgent support for humanitarian action ahead of the annual high-level pledging conference for Yemen on March 16,” calling on regional and international actors to commit to ending the conflict.