Yemen : Statement by EU Spokesperson on the latest group execution by the Houthis

The European Union issued a statement by its spokesperson on the latest group execution carried out by the Houthis, hereunder it is:
The European Union condemns the execution on 18 September of nine persons, possibly including a minor, by Ansar Allah in Sana’a. There are also reports of irregularities in the judicial process, and allegations of mistreatment.
The European Union strongly opposes the death penalty at all times and in all circumstances. It is a cruel and inhumane punishment, which fails to act as a deterrent to crime and represents an unacceptable denial of human dignity and integrity.
The European Union continues to work for the universal abolition of the death penalty, in line with the EU Action Plan for Human Rights and Democracy for 2020-2024.
We urge all parties to the conflict in Yemen to cooperate with the UN Group of Eminent Experts established by the UN Human Rights Council, and other relevant bodies and ensure due process, accountability and justice for all in Yemen.