
Advice to all southerners, don’t give up in this guy

Written by\ Saleh Abu Ozal
The Secretary-General of the Southern Transitional Council, Governor Ahmed Hamed Lamlas, the southern Adeni, who lived and grew up in the capital, where he studied his primary in the schools of Aden and lived most of his life there. He is, according to everyone, one of the best young cadres who works professionally and faithfully as long as circumstances are afforded for that.
He began his administrative work since his youth, specifically when he was 28 years old, when he was appointed in 1998, as General Director of the city of Ataq, the center of Shabwa Governorate, and in 2003 he was appointed respectively as General Director of three of the major districts of the capital, Aden, in which he started in the Sheikh Othman district in 2003 and spent during which four years in the service of it, then he was appointed as Director General of Mansoura district in the year 2007, then he was appointed as General Director of Khormaksar district in the year 2012 to the year 2015 for a period of three years, after that he was appointed in the year 2016 as Governor of Shabwa Governorate, and he left it in the year 2017 after he was dismissed of his position, in which he was given the choice between staying in office or joining the Southern Transitional Council.
Although he is one of the great leaders of the General People’s Congress Party, in 2014, he was a member of the Preparatory Committee for the Southern People’s Congress. In the year 2017, Ahmed Hamed Lamlas almost turned into a hero in the eyes of the “legitimacy of the Brotherhood.” He refused to join the Southern Transitional Council, and when he was given a choice between the post of governor of Shabwa or the Southern Transitional Council, he chose the national choice over the position that would not last long, and returned to the city he loved and lived in since childhood.
Before that, Lamlas was participating as fighter with the southern resistance, in defense of the capital, when President Aidarous Al-Zubaidi chose him to be the Secretary-General of the Southern Transitional Council, it was the right choice, as he was able to bring about a qualitative shift in the southern national work and transfer it from the “revolutionary” work to the administrative one, in the way how the state to be administrated, making the General Secretariat of the Southern Transitional Council as a mini-government, and activating many human rights, media, cultural and political departments and bodies.
When Lamlas accepted to be governor of the capital, Aden, he realized that the task was difficult and that it was a suicide mission, and when he took the oath before President Hadi, he remembered the assassination of the late governor of Aden, the martyr Jaafar Mohammed Saad, he remembered the many attempts to assassinate his companion, Major General Aidarous bin Qassem Al-Zubaidi.
He remembered all those booby-traps that were exploding everywhere, but he accepted the challenge and fought it with valor and courage, despite realizing that the lobby that worked against Jaafar, then against Al-Zubaidi, and then against Abdulaziz Al-Muflihi, who submitted his resignation after giving that government a title that will remain a disgrace for it.
From the moment he arrived in the capital, Aden, after his appointment in late August 2020, he was aware of the seriousness of the tools of terrorism and death, and the flow of weapons to Aden. He was aware of the dimensions of the media discourse, yet he fought the battle knowing that victory in the end will be the share of the people of the land and the cause.
In October of last year, the terrorism of Houthi and Brotherhood planned to target Lamlas, the Secretary-General and Governor of the capital, huge amount of money was spent on the terrorist operation that Lamlas lost his relatives and the nation lost its best youth, and the journalistic community lost due to that cowardly terrorist operation four brave journalist colleagues.
When they failed to kill Lamlas, they returned to their previous wars that were used during the era of Aidarous al-Zubaidi, the bombings and cutting off electricity by sabotaging the electrical system, the electrical system that has become the lethal weapon in the face of any
national governor, whoever is fighting Aden today, is the same one who obstructed the establishment of an electric station funded by the UAE in Aden five years ago, the same one who wants to thwart the project of President Hadi’s power station today.
He is the same person who wants to turn Aden into a “commercial center”, for him and his entourage, after he renounced his duties as prime minister and turned into a trader of oil derivatives. He is the same one who sees that Aden is the back garden for him and his commercial entourage that plundered the land and sea in Aden, and today racist discourses are still issued to us, dividing people on “Adeni and non-Adeni” basis. These are the commercial groups with which the government trader shared the Saudi deposit, he is the same one who spawned local organizations in Aden to acquire external support and direct it in favor of his own accounts.
An advice to all southerners…
Do not give up in the Secretary-General Ahmed Hamed Lamles, in which giving up in the man is giving up in those principles and values that everyone believed in.
And thank you

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