After the Houthi classification as terrorist

Written by\ Saleh Ali Al-Duwail Baras
Is the next stage in dealing with the Houthis a stage of eradication or a stage of breaking their stature?
One of Kissinger’s most famous quotes is: “Anti-Americanism is harmful, but reliance on it is deadly.”
Classifying the Houthis as a terrorist organization and including leaders such as Fleitah, Al-Ajri and others on terrorist lists constitutes a development that tightens the noose on the group politically and diplomatically and may cancel the mediation of the Sultanate of Oman, where the Houthi negotiating delegation resides, and prevents the Houthis from participating in any international dialogue without facing legal consequences and opens the way for more sanctions and financial restrictions, which deepens their isolation.
In a parallel track, the secret financial entities that are spread locally, regionally and internationally, such as the octopus, linked to Hezbollah networks and similar Shiite organizations, will be monitored and the methods used by the group to build its secret financial system will be revealed, which is certainly linked in one way or another to the Iranian octopus and its militias, which have devised ways to circumvent sanctions and aim to undermine the official economy of the state, exploiting the rampant corruption in the legitimate administrations or, as the Minister of Higher Education described it, “administration by neighborhood sheikhs”!! They work in vital fields such as exchange, which is their most prominent field, trade, import and export, real estate, energy, the pharmaceutical sector, and control of ports and customs outlets…etc.
The classification will be reflected on the military side, and the south will be an important part of the confrontations, but the question remains: Is America about to eradicate the Houthis or is it about to break their stature?
In both cases, the classification may give the southern cause an international and regional presence, and this presence will give it an opportunity to increase international recognition to strengthen its position. The transitional council’s entry into the partnership was a recognition of its cause, and its entry into a war, whether to eradicate or break the Houthis’ stature, must have a price. The southern case is not like the 2015 war, in which the south was a fighting weapon without a political carrier that stipulated its conditions, so its victory was considered for legitimacy. However, if this partnership is implemented, the south should not participate except on its national conditions, and the success of that depends on the leadership’s ability to employ the political and military factors that the classification will intelligently produce within the framework of an integrated political and military strategy for the benefit of the south and its cause.