Be Aware of Fallacies and Stealing Victories
“Concerning Al-Hodeida, there are troops, especially the presidential guards’ troops trained for city war, that can eliminate this gang”. This is what Khaled Al-Shugaa, member of the conference party and a man of Affash, when Sky News reporter asked him yesterday. I participated in this interview about plans for facing Al-Houthis inside Al-Hodeida districts to help civilians avoid the risks of clashes. He, intentionally, avoided and ignored to mention the southern resistance, Southern Giants Brigades or Tehama resistance. He limited his speech on “The presidential guards” as if these troops are the only ones fighting and making victories alone”.
Of course, when he limited his answer to say that “presidential guards troops” will be the troops to face them, he provoked me a lot. He may even provoke the audience as well, not mentioning heroes of the southern resistance, Southern Giants Brigades and Tehama resistance who are doing heroic deeds and sacrificing their lives for victory. He forgot to say that what he called “presidential guards” abandoned their leader to be slaughtered by Al-Houthis. He tried, by fallacy, to credit a military victory to his so-called presidential guards in spite of their minor contribution as they were behind all other troops.
We know, just as he knows, that victories achieved in the west coast till Al-Hodeida, are created by heroes of the southern resistance, Southern Giants Brigades and Tehama resistance with backup of Arab Coalition troops while contributions of national resistance are minor. He had to tell the truth as seen and heard in field reports and field interviews from battel fields with commanders of giants brigades. But he wants to steal these victories in cold blood and credit them to others while battels didn’t come to an end yet.
Did any one of you ever hear that presidential guards’ brigades are in the front line to liberate Al-Hodeida airport or any of the city districts? If this was true I would be the first to talk about their heroic deeds there!!
Facing such fallacies that he is used to since he was against the Arab Coalition during the honey moon between their ally and their master Al-Houthi, I had to respond directly to clarify all facts. This led to to answer the same question saying: “I think that there are previously prepared plans to initiate such an operation with minimal loses among civilians and facilities. Southern Giants Brigades that broke into the airport today include resistance men who faced Al-Houthis under similar situations in Adan as they were the ones who liberated Adan airport and seaport and targeted Al-Houthis’ snipers stationed over high grounds. In addition, they had the experience they got during their liberation of southern governorates and the west coast starting with Zu Bab, Al-Makha, Al-Khoukha and Al-Duraihemy. Furthermore, they were trained for nearly three years by Arab Coalition, especially UAE and have been qualified well and gained the fighting spirit necessary for facing these militias. I think that these troops managed to defeat Al-Houthis in the airport and the air force base that Al-Houthis prepared for a long-term war but they didn’t hold for even a few days, these troops could have broken into the airport since the very beginning but they were very careful to save their soldiers’ blood and to perform the operation with minimal loses. This is the plan to enter the city through sudden attacks that Al-Houthis will never know about till they face it and as usual Al-Houthis will either escape, surrender or get killed. This is what we will see during the next few days”.
So, be aware of fallacies or stealing victories!!